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Whether you are aiming for a low fat type of diet, a low carbohydrate diet, or a low calorie diet, your general strategy should be to include healthy foods across the food spectrum into your deal meal plan.

With a low fat diet, the dieter is trying to reduce their fat intake. Reducing your intake of fatty processed food such as chips and sweets can certainly help you shed pounds. However, healthy fats such as those found in nuts and avocados should not be eliminated. Healthy fats keep your skin and hair moisturized and you need them.

Low calorie diets are also very helpful because losing weight comes down to lowering calories. The only rub is that you don't want to reduce calories so far down that you are losing basic nutrition. You also don't want to become dizzy and dehydrated from not eating enough. Going under some 1500 calories a day puts your body under a starvation stress.

Specialty diets such as those that are fluid only and meant to detox your body or eliminate toxins, are useless long term. While they can help jump start a healthy eating kick, such diets should never be adopted for more than say a day or two.

Dieticians talk of losing fat verses losing muscle. A woman should exercise to avoid muscle loss while dieting. Dieting too severely can cause loss of muscle. Lopsided eating of too much protein or too few carbs can also be dangerous if taken to extremes. A relatively slow and consistent weight loss via healthy eating and regular exercise is always safest and healthiest.

We all want that zen beach body and we need to eat right and exercise in order to get it!


I think women want to find a weight loss miracle, diet pill, supplement, or magic solution. That is why they try diet pills, liquid diets, delivered meals, and so on. Diets that manipulate the proportion of macro nutrients such as being low fat, low carbohydrate, be downright unhealthy when taken to an extreme.

Focus on a specific mix of certain particular foods and elimination of others foods can be leave you lacking in precious nutrients and balance. The bottom is that these specialty diets have not been scientifically shown to make a huge difference. It's the importance of eating a balanced dies that incorporates all of the basic food groups and nutrients that is paramount.

There are a few simple strategies that a women can do to help them self diet. Watch your salt intake and fat intake. Choose healthier fats such as those in avocado, nuts or salmon and try to avoid the saturated fats that are found in sweets like pastries and fried foods. Also, drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. Some nutritionists say that eating 4-6 meals a day slightly smaller that 3 large meals can help with weight control. Keeping a diet journal can be helpful, and getting regular exercise is an important factor in dieting as well.

If you have particular health issues such as high cholesterol or diabetes, then speak with your doctor about foods that are aimed towards bringing such health issues under control. You may need medications, but healthy dieting is proven to help lower cholesterol and keep diabetics in check. It can be as simple as cutting back on fatty red meats and junk foods. Go for leaner meat or vegetarian protein. Opt for real fruit instead of cake and candy. Finally, watch the starch and lower your consumption processed starches like pasta, white breads and fried potatoes. Try to go for whole wheat versions or whole grain versions instead. Also, don't forget to get calcium rich foods by including nonfat milk, yogurt and cheese in your daily diet.

For me personally, I don't like to feel like I am dieting. I prefer a hearty sandwich over a salad. I do indulge in sweets occasionally but I stick to chocolate and nuts and I try to skip over the doughy stuff like muffins and cakes. I think avoiding the processed junk food, crackers and chips can help you avoid unneeded calories. Sugar drinks for sports and sugar sodas are wasted calories and it is better to drink water, ice tea or diet soda for weight loss.

Restricting certain food groups or foods can be not only impractical but restrictions can be downright bad for your health on the one hand. On the other hand, a few simple cutbacks can help a woman out. Try to cut back on your salt intake. Watch your white bread, white pasta and starch intake and shift over to whole grains and whole wheat. Cut back on saturated fats that comes in the form of junk food and go for healthy fats like those found in nuts and avocados Cut back on fatty red meats and fried meat foods. There is nothing wrong with eating lean meats. Vegetarian protein such as soybeans, lentils, etc can fill in for fatty meats. Get your fill of fruits and vegetables for the cancer fighting antioxidant benefits. Don't forget to include non-fat dairy and cheese for calcium.

Much of diet is attitude. Try to adopt a healthier attitude towards eating. If you do break your diet plan, let that roll off your back and get back on the plan after that. Don't let mishaps spiral out of control. Assume that mistakes will be made and move forward. I prefer three basic meals daily, even though some say more than three smaller meals (5-6) is optimal. Try different approaches and see what works best for you in the long run. Get moderate exercise to improve your well being and mental attitude. Exercising will help you to lose weight or maintain a weight loss. Older women should strive to build a little bit of muscle via resistance training. Try the nautilus at the gym or consult with a personal trainer for a tone up plan that works for you. Don't exercise too aggressively and risk becoming injured. Be safe.



Some studies have shown that eating 5-6 smaller to medium sized meals is more optimal for a woman's metabolism than the traditional three big meals. I personally prefer the three basic daily meals, while some women like more smaller ones.

Much of dieting is mental. For me personally, I like to eat a wholesome meal as it is just more satisfying. Smaller diet meals don't satisfy me in the same way therefore even though more small meals can help speed up metabolism it's not a practical solution for me for the mere fact that it is not my personal preference.

Most of the diet plans I read about (and I have read so many diet books being an author on the topic of beauty tips) suggest more meals with healthy snacks. All women are different but the exact opposite strategy works for me. I don't like to feel like I am dieting, and don't like to follow the whole small meal diet plan.

For breakfast I eat something healthy such as fruit and yogurt, whole grain toast, oatmeal and juice for example. I like to eat a rather hearty yet healthy lunch like a sandwich with some whole grain chips or avocado, and for dinner I tend to go for vegetarian faire. I will snack but only if I need to. I'd rather eat the larger meals and not feel as if I am dieting at all than following the mini meals and healthy snack plan. If I do snack, I try a smoothie or fruit, sometimes popcorn at night for the munches.

I try to get my fruits and vegetables in. I avoid junk food and fried food to the extent I can. I do like chocolate and nuts on occasion. While not a vegetarian proper, I have always liked vegetarian food and I am not a big fan of red meat. I also am not a spaghetti/white bread and potatoes type either. The fact that I don't like pasta, starches and fried foods, and I don't like red meat much either, makes it easier for me to diet than it is for many women I know. The occasional urge for a cheese burger and chocolate sweet tooth attack is all I need to contend with.

If I extrapolate my eating habits into tips for women, I would say eat less red meat, fried foods, and white starch, and more fruits, veggies, whole wheat bread, non fat dairy, cheese and vegetarian fare. Throw in the occasional guilty but lean cheeseburger w/tomatoes and onion, and a few chocolate nut candies!


So much of dieting and weight loss is wrapped up in attitude and psychological confort that a women wants to feel. For example, women tend to over eat mostly when stressed, depressed, frustrated or bored. Keeping busy and happy with your life can go a long way towards keeping your weight balanced.

Attitude about diet is key. A very important trick is to try and have amnesia when it comes to having broken your diet. Some women, when they slide off their diet, get depressed about it. They broke their self control and had more than one burger, cookie or buffet item. Then, its like sliding out of control. The diet lapse spirals out of control and pretty soon you gain back all of your losses. I think women who are most successful are more forgiving of their diet lapses. If they have some sweets at the party they shrug, get over it, and hop back onto their healthy eating plan the next day. The ability to forgive oneself and get back on track is of ultimate importance when it comes to weight maintenance.

Combining moderate exercise with healthier eating can help immeasurably. Again, women tend to go overboard and join a workout boot camp or strenuous exercise program that they may not be physically up for. As with the tortoise and the hare story, the tortoise approach of slow, steady and safe exercise is the way to go. Walking alone won't tone your body but it is a start. Low impact walking or the cardio machines combined with some moderate weight bearing exercise like nautilus or pilates exercises can help gently tone your body. Exercise tends to give you a natural high and that uplift can make it easier to focus on healthier eating habits.

TIP: A FORGIVING DIET ATTITUDE, HEALTHY MEALS AND MODERATE EXERCISE are three ingredients that are fundamental to your maintaining your weight over time. Over night diets such as detox diets are short lived. In the long run they won't work and should only be used for ladies who need a jumpstart to change tracks over to a healthier meal plan. Like wise, diets that deliver meals to your door can only be affordable short term. They can help a woman make a change but over the long run sensible healthy and well rounded meals with moderate safe exercise that builds muscle is the best bet for your health.

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